The Mock Couch

Mock a CouchDB server for unit testing CouchDB based apps.

A photo of a Mock Couch

About Mock Couch

Mock Couch is an npm module that allows you to create an HTTP server that mocks a CouchDB server by implementing the same RESTful API.

It was designed mostly for unit testing CouchDB based apps.

Since it will create an actual HTTP server, no matter if you use libraries like cradle or nano, your code should work out of the box.

Mock Couch will emit events, so you can listen to them to see the result of your test.

Mock Couch is still under constant development, however it can already be used the way it is right now.

The project is hosted on GitHub.

Mock Couch is not attempting to fully implement CouchDB, but only the features necessary for unit testing CouchDB based apps.

However, if there is a feature you need for your tests, feel free to add a feature request!

You can report bugs and discuss features on the issues page


Mock Couch is available as an npm module.

npm install --save-dev mock-couch

Create a Mock Couch Instance

To create an instance, it's necesary to require the module, and then call the createServer() method.

var mock = require('mock-couch');

The returned object is the mock couch instance, where the databases and documents should be added.

Once is that is done, its necessary to start the server by calling the listen() method.

createServer mock.createServer()

Returns an object representing the mock couch instance.

var mockCouch = mock.createServer();

Instance Methods

Each mock couch instance has the following methods:

listen mockCouch.listen([port], arguments*)

Start listening HTTP request at the specified port. If no port was specified, it uses 5984 by default.

This function calls the listen function from restify with any arguments you pass to it.

mockCouch.listen(5984, function() {});

close mockCouch.close()

Closes the HTTP server.

This function calls the close function from restify.


addDB mockCouch.addDB(database name, [docs])

Add a new database to the mock couch instance, and returns the database object.

The first argument is the name of the database. Optionally you can use a second argument with an array, containg JavaScript objects, being each object a document in the database.

var peopleDb = mockCouch.addDB('people', [
  { _id : 'first', value : 1 },
  { _id : 'second', value : 2 }
peopleDb.first.value === 1; // true

addDoc mockCouch.addDoc(database name, doc)

Add a document to the specified database, and returns an object containing the id and the _rev.

The first argument is the name of the database (required). The second argument is an object containing the database (required).

If the document includes a _id or _rev properties, it will use them. Otherwise, it will create random ones for it.

var result = mockCouch.addDoc('people', { _id : 'third', value : 3 }); === 'third'; // true

Instance Properties

Each mock couch instance has the following properties:

databases mockCouch.databases

Each mock couch instance has a databases public property which is an object and, just like its name indicates, contains the databases of that instance.


Each database is an object, where each property is a document of the database.

The database object has the following properties with information about the database:

  • __doc_count : Return the number of documents in the database.


Mock Couch allows to create and use views.

To create a view, just create the _design/* document, with either addDoc or addDB.

Make sure that the map and reduce functions are created as as regular functions - that is, not as strings.

This is an example:

mockCouch.addDoc('mydatabase', {
  _id: '_design/myviews',
  views : {
    someview : {
      map : function(doc) {
        emit(null, { amount : doc._id });
      reduce : function(keys, values, rereduce) {
        return values.reduce(function(a,b) {
          return a + b.amount;
        }, '');

Then you can try the view from http://localhost:5984/mydatabase/_design/myviews/_view/someview/


Each HTTP request emit an event when is responded.

The name of the emitted event is the HTTP method of the request (that is, the name can be GET, POST, PUT or DELETE), and the passed argument is an object that have details about the processed request.

The properties of the object passed to each event are the following:

GET _all_dbs

  • type String The value _all_dbs.
  • databases Array A list with the names of the databases.

GET / POST _all_docs

  • type String The value _all_docs.
  • database String Name of the database.
  • rows Array A list with the rows from the database.

POST _bulk_docs

  • type String The value _bulk_docs
  • docs Array A list with the docs that just been inserted.

DELETE database

  • type String The value database
  • database String The name of the deleted database

DELETE document

  • type String The value document
  • id String The id of the deleted document

GET document

  • type String The value document
  • id String The id of the requested document
  • doc Object The requested document

GET / POST view

  • type String The value view
  • name String The name of the design document
  • group Boolean Is grouping being used?
  • reduce Boolean Is reduce being used?
  • database String The name of the database
  • view String The name of the view processed
  • output The result of view functions (map and optionally, reduce)

PUT database

  • type String The value database
  • database String The name of the database

PUT / POST document

  • type String The value document
  • id String The name of the document
  • doc Object The document
